Prior to buying or leasing your copier you will obtain a costing for every print you make so you only have to pay for what you use on a cost per copy basis, so you’ll actually know what you’ll be charged without having to be concerned about a huge bill at the month end.
In addition, there are certain assurances you obtain when taking out a copier service contract such as copy quality assurance. That is if there are any problems with regards to quality of your print a copier technician will be available to help you out.
Most firms make sure their technicians are manufacturer trained before attending any call-outs, hence making sure quick resolutions to issues. Your copier service is also carried out as per the manufacturer’s instructions delivering an extended life to your photocopier, instead of having a dreaded ‘down-time’ with pending work but no way to print it.
Down time is yet another aspect when seeking a copier service contract as the minimum time it takes for a technician to get to the photocopier, the most quickly you get to use the photocopier to print again.
And What About System Software Updates?
Many copier firms know over a period of time certain parts will need replacing on a photocopier and the whole costs involved. Fitting budget, parts that are not genuine may have an unfavourable impact on daily functioning of the copier.